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Updated: 10/14/2022 12:50 PM
Reviewed: 10/17/2022 8:17 AM
This project is described in a presentation at ASEE 2020 "Best of First-Year Programs Division" session.Background and IntroductionHands-on team-based open-ended design projects in freshman engineering courses have been shown to significantly improve student retention due to the benefits of active hands-on learning, self-directed acquisition of knowledge, development of skills and confidence necessary to succeed in engineering and a growing sense of community. Open-ended design projects can range from highly structured to theme-based to free choice. Combining entrepreneurial thinking and maker technology, student-driven free-choice open-ended design projects allow students to generate their own idea, take ownership of their design project, and results in significant gains in creativity and entrepreneurial intentions. This card describes a free-choice open-ended design project that supports student autonomy, one of the three basic psychological needs from self-determination theory (SDT). SDT postulates that individuals will adopt more internalized/autonomous forms of motivations, resulting in more optimal learning outcomes, when three basic psychological needs are satisfied: autonomy, a sense of choice and control; relatedness, a sense of positive and supportive connections to others; and competence, a sense of mastery and self-efficacy. The introduction to engineering course is a freshman level 2-credit 15-week lecture and lab course consisting of a 50-minute lecture and a 2-hour 50-minute lab each week. Most students enroll in this course during their first semester in college. The course aims to provide students with an introduction to engineering, introduces the broad topics of the engineering design process, engineering modeling and drawing, teamwork, technical communication, project management and an entrepreneurial mindset. In addition, technical knowledge such as computer-aided design including 3D printing and programming a microcontroller is introduced to help students with their two multidisciplinary design projects, i.e., a well-defined project during the first half of the semester (See Card "Project: Autonomous Mail Delivery System") and an open-ended project during the second half. The course is a required course for students majoring in aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Project Description and ImplementationThis card provides all of the materials needed to implement a nine-week long team-based open-ended multi-disciplinary design project in an introduction to engineering course. Students, in teams of four, work on their project in class during lecture and lab for nine weeks. There are two lecture periods dedicated to introduce the project before students work on the project during the labs. The project description and grading are in the "Project Description" folder. The project uses the following "theme" statement: "Design an automated solution for a space such as a home, campus building including dorm, office, retail, restaurant, hospital, library, and factory. Your design should add value in an economic, environmental, and/or societal sense. For example, your design might help reduce costs, increase efficiency, reduce pollution/waste, and/or improve accessibility, among other things. Your design must incorporate an Arduino or other microcontroller." Research results from SDT (See paper in the "Publications" folder) showed that, compared to other project definitions which further place constraints on scope and materials, this autonomy-supportive version of the project statement results in more positive student motivational responses. Another interesting finding from the research suggests that the provision of more choice and control seems to have a more dramatic positive impact on women compared to men. The schedule of the project is shown below along with brief descriptions: Week 1 (Lecture 1): Pain Point Investigation and Information Collection (worksheet, group discussion)Week 2 (Lecture 2): Information Synthesis and Opportunity Identification (worksheet, group discussion) Week 3 (Lab 1): Problem Definition, Brainstorming and Solution Prototyping (worksheet, group discussion, hands-on building) Week 4 (Lab 2): Design Decision and Project Management (worksheet, group discussion) Week 5 (Lab 3): Proposal Presentation (oral presentation) Week 6/7/8 (Lab 4/5/6): Prototype Construction & Testing (hands-on building) Week 9 (Lab 7): Final Presentation and prototype demonstration (video, oral presentation and demo) The two lectures help students identify pain points, and collect and synthesize information. Ideally, they should be given at least two weeks before the start of the project so that students have plenty of time to decide which project to work on. The worksheets used in the two lectures are in the "Lecture Worksheets" folder. Lab 1 and Lab 2 give students the opportunity to go through the engineering design process: define the problem, gather information, generate alternative concepts, evaluate the alternatives, select the most promising concept, plan and manage the project. The problem definition and planning documents used are in the "Supplemental Lab Materials" folder. During the three project construction labs, a lab agenda is used to help students track their progress. It is in the "Supplemental Lab Materials" folder. Students are asked to complete a business model canvas for their project (assigned during the second construction lab, instructions and template are in the "Supplemental Lab Materials" folder). They are also asked to write a testing plan for their prototype (assigned during the last construction lab, instructions and template in the "Supplemental Lab Materials" folder). Students have to submit five project deliverables. Instructions, due dates and grading rubrics are in the "Project Deliverables" folder. Evaluation and Future WorkIn the SDT research conducted, for every week of the nine-week project, students were given a Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS) survey, which is an instrument to measure different types of motivations on a continuum ranging from autonomous (internal) to controlled (external) motivations. This continuum includes intrinsic motivation, a deeply internalized state of engagement based on interest, enjoyment, satisfaction and passion; identified regulation, a state in which actions are based on an internal sense of self and perceived value, importance, or usefulness of a task; external regulation, a state of compliance with external pressure, prompted by contingent reward or punishment avoidance, and amotivation, state of impersonal or non-intentional action due to learners finding no value and no desirable outcomes in a learning activity. This survey provides useful diagnostic information and practical insights into course design to support more positive forms of student motivational responses. The survey reveals, for example, that the open-ended design project focusing on automation described in this card seems to result in higher external motivation signals and lower internal motivation signals for chemical engineering students. How to come up with remedies to reach this population is an urgent next step in the project design. The weekly motivation survey also shows a dip in positive motivations during Week 2. How to modify the activity to better support positive student motivation is another future improvement. Furthermore, given that the SIMS profile from this project shows both higher average amotivation and external regulation values compared to the “truly autonomous” motivation profile, identifying strategies to further motivate students to adopt more positive forms of motivation is one more important future work. A Basic Needs Satisfaction Scale (BNSS) survey was given at the end of the semester, which measures the degree to which three basic psychological needs of autonomy, relatedness and competence are satisfied. Survey results show that competency may play a role in shaping the motivational responses of students. Therefore, if you do plan to implement an open-ended automation project like the one described in this card, make sure to give students a tutorial and sufficient practice on Arduino, sensors and actuators to make students feel confident in their ability to completing the project. Tutorial and examples on using Arduino, sensors and motors can be found in the Card "Project: Autonomous Mail Delivery System". Both the Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS) survey and the Basic Needs Satisfaction Scale (BNSS) survey can be found in the "Surveys" folder.
TagsM&M - August - 2019 | EUFD 2019 CategoriesCampus & Outreach | Classroom & Courses DisciplinesAll Engineering Disciplines InstitutionsArizona State University
Updated: 2/15/2024 7:49 AM
Reviewed: 10/14/2022 3:05 PM
This project describes a board game that was developed to teach first-year engineering students about concepts associated with an entrepreneurial mindset. It was implemented at Rowan University in a class of 36 students. Students play in groups of 4-5 students with the goal of moving their game piece to the center of the game board by going through 4 stages of an entrepreneur’s journey — “brainstorming stage,” “prototype stage,” “market stage,” and “sales stage.” As they move their game piece through each stage, the teams are asked questions about engineering curriculum knowledge, resources on campus, and legal/ethical issues. They are also presented with risk/reward cards where they have to decide how many of their existing points they would like to wager on an entrepreneurial related scenario. In the implementation of the board game at Rowan, students played the game for about 30-40 minutes of class time followed by a group discussion using a Recall, Summarize, Question, Comment, Critique worksheet (RSQCC). This worksheet allows students to dive a bit further into their experience and really connect back between the game and the material being covered in class as part of entrepreneurial mindset instruction. This board game helps students be less intimidated with business related concepts that they might otherwise avoid as part of their engineering degree program. Any faculty member that is looking for a different and novel approach for introducing concepts associated with an entrepreneurial mindset can use this board game.
Tagsfirst year CategoriesClassroom & Courses DisciplinesGeneral Engineering InstitutionsRowan University | Colorado Christian University
Updated: 12/21/2020 8:31 AM
Lafayette’s Meta Mindset provides a graphical construct and heuristic model for the process of entrepreneurial thinking. The Mindset highlights the (often lonely and even frightening) journey common to all entrepreneurial endeavors to create new social or commercial value. This journey is fueled by curiosity, is always iterative, requires management of a wide range of risks, encourages collaboration, and is never a “sure win.” Lafayette’s Meta Mindset invites faculty to deliberately create opportunities for students to practice this journey: building skills to recognize opportunities, managing risks, seeking effective collaborators, and understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic value of thinking like an entrepreneur. Practicing the entrepreneurial journey is scalable - from individual assignments, projects, and courses to lifelong endeavors. Continually practicing the journey empowers students to connect their personal development to a broad, entrepreneurial mindset. These experiences encourage students to engage their curiosity, move beyond fear of failure, and create value from unexpected opportunities. Meta Mindset offers a way for students to use each learning experience, no matter the scale, scope or subject matter, to prepare for larger challenges and opportunities they will face in their own lives by using each experience to refine their own abilities to think entrepreneurially. What does the journey look like? The Meta Mindset begins with an inspiration - the belief that something is possible, despite having not been previously achieved. Certainly, a person who is inspired to try to create something new has to consider the limits of their understanding of the challenge. To transform an inspiration into value creation, a disciplined process is necessary with the intent of discovery and taking deliberate risks. Creativity, collaboration, and a range of skills are critical in developing solutions and overcoming challenges in the creative process. The Meta Mindset contextualizes how these elements interact and shows that value creation is not just measured extrinsically, but also intrinsically. The concept of intrinsic value in the absence of extrinsic value is well appreciated by creative individuals who recognize the benefit of learning from failure. The mindset highlights any entrepreneurial process - from developing new ideas for strengthening society to product innovation. The Mindset is equally applicable to an individual as it is to a complex organization - from a local non-profit to a multi-national corporation. Indeed, some organizations and corporations are known for their innovation. The disposition, behaviors, and motivation of these organizations may well be represented by the approach depicted by Meta Mindset where curiosity is the fuel that ultimately delivers value. What we are excited about at LafayetteThe Meta Mindset has the potential to change the way both students and faculty members view education. Imbuing this kind of mindset cannot be achieved by simply describing the process in a classroom. An “immersion” is necessary for students to experience the journey alongside their professors and the College at large. Each encounter with the journey, no matter the context, reinforces the applicability of the process and has intrinsic value that becomes, simply, how we approach our lives.
DisciplinesComprehensive InstitutionsLafayette College
ByKen Bloemer, Michael Johnson
Updated: 1/6/2023 12:00 PM
Goal of this card: This card was created to orient new KEEN Partners once they have signed and executed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Kern Family Foundation (which is operating in this sense on behalf of KEEN). Reviewing this card will provide you with information about how to get started, how to communicate about joining KEEN, how to begin the work on your campus, and how to start coordinating with the Kern Family Foundation and the KEEN Leadership Council. This card has been written specifically for KEEN Leaders and other faculty championing entrepreneurial mindset at new partner institutions. STEP 1: The AnnouncementWe are excited to announce your institution joining KEEN to the rest of the Network and want to work with you to broadcast that message to your campus community and beyond. Let’s coordinate on this! Foundation staff will contact your KEEN contact person (identified in your application) to schedule a virtual meeting. Who should attend: Anyone responsible for communications about KEEN within your college, as well as those you’ve identified as KEEN contacts on your campus. What is the agenda? Announcement of KEEN partnership to your campus community (you can see example press releases in the communications folder below) Announcement of KEEN partnership through our newsletters Publishing your institutional partner page on EngineeringUnleashed.com. Branding permission (see link below in communications folder) Miscellaneous topics such as KEENews subscriptions, upcoming events, etc. STEP 2: Building Awareness and ChampionsBuilding awareness and champions for KEEN among your staff and faculty is essential for this work to take hold. Let’s get started by sharing KEEN Leader Essentials - what others in the Network have developed and learned as promising practices. Foundation staff will contact your KEEN contact person to schedule a virtual meeting. Who should attend: You likely have a group of engineering faculty and staff serving as your KEEN Leader group. This will be a valuable meeting for this group. What is the agenda? Why regular internal meetings of your KEEN leaders and goal setting are important. How to grow your faculty engagement in KEEN. How to grow your student engagement in EM. How can EM be messaged to students, staff and faculty. What funding is available through the Kern Family Foundation and other sources. Are there a couple Network partners to connect to and mechanisms to do that. What are the next KEEN events or deadlines of which you need to be aware. STEP 3: Reaching Your FacultyFollowing these two introduction meetings, you have the opportunity to engage with other Network partners to launch the KEEN initiative on your campus and introduce more of your faculty and staff to EM and the Network. Please reach out to Foundation staff if we can help with these follow up meetings: KEEN launch, so your engineering faculty and staff become familiar with their roles internally and the opportunities to connect across the Network Engineering Unleashed demo, so your faculty become familiar with the website content and best practices for finding and creating useful resources. STEP 4: The Summer WorkshopYou will be selecting two KEEN leaders from your institution to attend a summer Engineering Unleashed Faculty Development (EUFD) program specifically for new KEEN leaders. These faculty or staff leaders will work on a KEEN-related project on your campus for a year and will receive support from coaches and mentors. STEP 5: Staying Up to Date Lastly - stay up to date on current opportunities and deadlines offered to KEEN partners. The KEEN Leader Group highlights current information that you’ll need. Bookmark it and be sure to check it regularly. Check your Engineering Unleashed profile to make sure you are subscribed to all newsletters.
Tagsgetting started CategoriesEngineering Unleashed Resources DisciplinesGeneral Engineering InstitutionsUniversity of Dayton | The Kern Family Foundation
ByGreg Mowry, Kundan Nepal
Updated: 6/14/2023 11:55 AM
Reviewed: 10/14/2022 3:17 PM
This course uses the Question Formulation Technique in an introductory Circuits analysis course. At St Thomas this technique was implemented in a course of 30 first and second year students. A fundamental assumption of the QFT is that students learn and retain knowledge better when, fueled by curiosity, they ask their own questions, and use them to drive their learning.A total of four QFT research projects were assigned to students working in groups of four to six. Each project was launched with an in-class discussion, and the majority of the research work was done by students outside of class. Students were given between one and two weeks to research the answers to the questions asked in each research project. The topics covered in the research projects include basic circuit laws, linearity and superposition, sinusoidal steady-state AC circuit response, and operational amplifiers.The main deliverable for the project was a paper summarizing the research questions and answering those questions with documented references. The students also needed to reflect on the questions they raised, the answers they found, and the overall QFT-based research process. QFT technique could be applied to any course.
CategoriesClassroom & Courses DisciplinesGeneral Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering InstitutionsUniversity of St. Thomas
Updated: 10/24/2024 1:34 PM
Reviewed: 8/16/2024 8:37 AM
“Character discovery” explores with students the intersection between the engineering profession and strength of character. This module includes 3 main pieces: an activity, a lecture, and an assignment. These are described below: Activity: The in-class portion begins with a reminder of previous parts of the course that have connected to the relevance of character in engineering including a lecture on cultural differences in engineering and a class session on “engineering before engineers”. The instructor asks an open question: why does character matter to an engineer? Students are then broken up into 3-4 groups of 10-15 students, each of which are given a stack of sticky notes and markers and a large whiteboard on the wall. In their teams, students are encouraged to brainstorm the character traits they deem important for engineers, write each one on a separate sticky note, and stick them on the whiteboard. They are advised to communicate together but also add individually as well. When students initially seem to slow down on adding traits, students are encouraged to think outside of the box as well. They don't have to think only of professional engineers, what do they look for in their teammates now in their classes? What traits do they hope they have now? The instructor can add some examples of humorous or outside-the-box ideas to get the students thinking (e.g. brings coffee for everyone, always has a good joke). Once students seem to be slowing down again on adding traits, we ask them to start organizing the traits they have however they may choose. For example, students might put all the traits that pertain to how an engineer might interact with others (e.g. good teamwork, communication skills, etc) together. They can use dry erase markers on the board to help describe each grouping. After teams seem finished, they are encouraged to walk around the room and look at the other teams' work. They don't have to do this as a team, but can move around individually. Students then return to their seats and begin the debrief. This includes asking questions such as, were there any traits that surprised you? Were there any traits you wish you had put? Were there any traits you disagreed with? etc. Lecture: Following the activity, students are given a brief lecture/presentation that introduces character, virtues, vices and examples of virtues/character strengths that students might encounter in their four-year curriculum. It also covers some strategies for developing character strengths and concludes with the introduction of a follow up assignment explained below. Assignment: As homework, students were given a written reflection assignment that invites students to consider how character is necessary to engineering and the role of character virtues in the students’ future. Students are asked 5 reflection questions which are listed below: Why does character matter to an engineer?Create a timeline of what your engineering trajectory could look like, from your early years to your final career goals. Where do issues of character come into play in your timeline? Where are different character traits relevant?Choose one character virtue that was discussed in the class lecture. Define this character trait in your own words.Find a current engineering exemplar of the character virtue you chose in #3 and explain how they show that virtue and why it is necessary for them as an engineer.Choose at least one virtue that you would like to develop for yourself during your time as a undergraduate student. How can you better develop that virtue? When do you think this might happen? Be specific!
TagsCharacter | Traits | Virtues & Professional Practice | Character strengths CategoriesClassroom & Courses DisciplinesAll Engineering Disciplines InstitutionsWake Forest University | Northeastern University
Updated: 9/8/2021 10:32 AM
A lecture and assignment describes the entrepreneurial mindset and other issues to consider when defining capstone topics. "Connections" are discussed in the context of Steven Johnson's book, "Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation". Students must write an assignment that references the Strategyzer value proposition canvas. Several relevant videos are in the slides and folder below.These materials were used in the Aerospace Capstone Design program, where some projects are defined by students.
DisciplinesAerospace Engineering | General Engineering | Mechanical Engineering InstitutionsFlorida Institute of Technology
ByMichael Johnson, Kaitlin Mallouk, Blake Hylton, Krista Kecskemety, Jack Bringardner
Updated: 4/11/2024 9:50 AM
Few components of the engineering curriculum have as much opportunity to impact engineering students as first-year engineering programs. These programs typically serve all engineering students, and act as students’ introduction to engineering culture and setting the foundation for skills, mindsets, and habits that students need throughout their engineering education. Integrating EM into first-year programs is a clear mechanism for developing entrepreneurially-minded engineering graduates. To realize this impact, first-year engineering educators must understand and embrace the connection between traditional first-year engineering curriculum and EM. This CardDeck collection was compiled to help catalyze and facilitate adoption of EM activities in the FY space by compiling example projects, activities, and content from FY educators across the network. These Great Ideas for Teaching Students (GIFTS) are focused on the Entrepreneurial Mindset in the First-Year and were presented at the 2024 KNC over the course of two sessions. The cards below are presented twice - once organized by session (for easy indexing by session attendees), and a second time by topic (for easy indexing by users going forward). Organized By SessionSession 1: Proposing Value via Videos and Pamphlets - Abby Clark (ONU)Agility and Resilience in Managing Projects - Amir Momenipour (RHIT)Lifelong Learning in Perspective: An Activity for Student Understanding of an Engineer's Need to Acquire and Apply New Knowledge - Anastasia Rynearson (Campbell)Gamification of Free-Body Diagram Practice - Andrew Sloboda (Bucknell)Connecting Economics with Engineering to Create Value - David Zietlow (Bradley)Rank Up Motivation: A First Day of Class Motivational Activity - Gbeton Somasse (WPI)Making You a Better Maker: A KEEN-Focused Maker E-Textbook - Jim Brenner (FIT)Smugglers, racecar drivers, and Barbies: design module for first year students - Jodi Prosise (UW-Plattville)Inclusive Design and EML in First Year Engineering Curriculum - Lisa Murray (WNE)YouTube problems - Matt Liberatore (Toledo)Getting out of the classroom: infusing holistic wellbeing and campus events into a first-year engineering course at Missouri S&T. - Rachel Kohman (MS&T)Introductory Python Programming with Practical Applications to Engineering Disciplines - Shannon Capps (Drexel)Single-class EM Infusions - Stephanie Gillespie (New Haven)The Power of Excel in Engineering - Steven Woodruff (JMU) Session 2:Exploring Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Devices - Ahmed Sayed (MSOE)Houston, We Don't Have a Problem: Igniting First-year Entrepreneurial Minds - Danahe Marmolejo (SLU)Engaging Freshman Engineering Students in the Entrepreneurial Mindset through Disruptive Technology Design Challenge Activity - HYUNJAE PARK (Marquette)Open-Ended Semester Project for an Introductory Civil and Environmental Engineering Course - Jacob Henschen (Illinois)Curiosity and Connections for First Year Design Students - Jayme Radomski (MSOE)Lab-to-Market Accelerator: Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Emotional Intelligence - Jeeday Williams (DU)To the Last Cent: Correctly Calculating Sales Tax - John Estell (ONU)Engineering Quest: A Puzzle Adventure for Building Teamwork - Kelly Salyards (Bucknell)Sensing the Campus: A Campus Engaged Project Based Learning Experience in Measurement and Analysis - Kyle Luthy (WFU)Low-effort metacognitive interventions for engineering undergraduates - Maureen Tang (Drexel)Tinkering to Engage Students in a 1st Year Intro to Mechanical Engineering - Micah Lande (SDSMT)Self-Guided Learning Assignment- Sally Pardue (TN Tech)Crags to Riches: Emphasizing audience and teamwork with a hands-on clay climbing holds activity - Stephanie Wettstein (Montana) Organized By TopicDesign Activities (Short timescale) Agility and Resilience in Managing Projects - Amir Momenipour (RHIT)Smugglers, racecar drivers, and Barbies: design module for first year students - Jodi Prosise (UW-Plattville)Inclusive Design and EML in First Year Engineering Curriculum - Lisa Murray (WNE)Crags to Riches: Emphasizing audience and teamwork with a hands-on clay climbing holds activity - Stephanie Wettstein (Montana) Design Projects (Long timescale) Houston, We Don't Have a Problem: Igniting First-year Entrepreneurial Minds- Danahe Marmolejo (SLU)Engaging Freshman Engineering Students in the Entrepreneurial Mindset through Disruptive Technology Design Challenge Activity - HYUNJAE PARK (Marquette)Open-Ended Semester Project for an Introductory Civil and Environmental Engineering Course - Jacob Henschen (Illinois) Technical Skill Building Gamification of Free-Body Diagram Practice - Andrew Sloboda (Bucknell)Making You a Better Maker: A KEEN-Focused Maker E-Textbook- Jim Brenner (FIT)YouTube problems - Matt Liberatore (Toledo)Introductory Python Programming with Practical Applications to Engineering Disciplines - Shannon Capps (Drexel)The Power of Excel in Engineering - Steven Woodruff (JMU)Exploring Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Devices - Ahmed Sayed (MSOE)To the Last Cent: Correctly Calculating Sales Tax - John Estell (ONU)Sensing the Campus: A Campus Engaged Project Based Learning Experience in Measurement and Analysis - Kyle Luthy (WFU)Tinkering to Engage Students in a 1st Year Intro to Mechanical Engineering - Micah Lande (SDSMT) Professional Skill Building Proposing Value via Videos and Pamphlets - Abby Clark (ONU)Lifelong Learning in Perspective: An Activity for Student Understanding of an Engineer's Need to Acquire and Apply New Knowledge - Anastasia Rynearson (Campbell)Connecting Economics with Engineering to Create Value- David Zietlow (Bradley)Engineering Quest: A Puzzle Adventure for Building Teamwork - Kelly Salyards (Bucknell) Mindset/Attitude Rank Up Motivation: A First Day of Class Motivational Activity- Gbeton Somasse (WPI)Getting out of the classroom: infusing holistic wellbeing and campus events into a first-year engineering course at Missouri S&T - Rachel Kohman (MS&T)Low-effort metacognitive interventions for engineering undergraduates - Maureen Tang (Drexel)Self-Guided Learning Assignment - Sally Pardue (TN Tech) Full Course Frameworks Curiosity and Connections for First Year Design Students - Jayme Radomski (MSOE)Lab-to-Market Accelerator: Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Emotional Intelligence - Jeeday Williams (DU) Compilations & Collections (Assorted Topics) Single-class EM Infusions - Stephanie Gillespie (New Haven)
TagsEMIFY | first-year engineering | GIFTS CategoriesClassroom & Courses | Co-Curricular & Extra Curricular DisciplinesComprehensive InstitutionsThe Kern Family Foundation | Rowan University | Ohio Northern University | The Ohio State University | Colorado School of Mines
ByBrent Sebold, Doug Melton, Heather Dillon, jim Collofello
Updated: 11/16/2022 11:29 AM
Your students have come a long way to change the world with their engineering skills. But the journey is never easy and they're bound to get stuck along the way. As you know, many other successful engineering innovators have felt stuck too, and they're here to help your students get unstuck. Encourage your students to join them to learn how they can improve the world (and themselves) with an entrepreneurial mindset. Visit the Engineering Uplink YouTube channel to pick a playlist that's best for your students.
CategoriesClassroom & Courses | Engineering Unleashed Resources DisciplinesGeneral Engineering InstitutionsArizona State University | The Kern Family Foundation | University of Washington Tacoma
ByBrent Sebold, David Howell, John Lovitt, Michael Johnson, Nassif Rayess, plus 1 more
Updated: 10/28/2019 10:52 AM
KEEN Talks are short talks (about 10 minutes) focused on action, impact, and a personal story. For context, think TED Talks geared for KEEN and entrepreneurially minded learning. The talks will be delivered by Brent Sebold (ASU), Nassif Rayess (Detroit Mercy), David Howell (MSOE), and John Lovitt (Wichita State). At the conclusion of the talks, Patsy Brackin (RHIT) will moderating a panel discussion and live Q&A with the speakers.
DisciplinesComprehensive InstitutionsArizona State University | Milwaukee School of Engineering | Wichita State University | The Kern Family Foundation | University of Detroit Mercy | Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Updated: 3/15/2023 8:51 PM
Reviewed: 6/8/2023 9:09 AM
In an educational setting it is vital that we as educators are able to assess our learning outcomes and effectively measure student progress towards those objectives. With that being said, what can educators do when they trying to instill a characteristic that they don’t know how to asses? The entrepreneurial engineering community is tackling this issue head on, as the increasing popularity of injecting an entrepreneurial mindset into the engineering curriculum has brought some of these “hard-to-assess” traits into the spotlight. While the KEEN framework has provided a valuable communication tool around which to organize discussion and facilitate action incorporating the entrepreneurial mindset into engineering curricula, it has also raised significant questions around assessment of the framework elements. The constructs captured by the framework are beyond the scope of what engineering faculty are accustomed to teaching and assessing. The abstracted and conceptually overlapping nature of the framework elements further worsens this discomfort. Having a fully vetted example of how the framework might be digested into defined, assessable pieces would be of tremendous value to the network. The purpose of this work is, therefore, to address the need for applied assessment of the KEEN Entrepreneurial Mindset and to explore how the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) VALUE Rubrics might fill these gaps. The first goal for this work was to review the applicability of VALUE rubrics. The guiding research question for this phase was: Are the VALUE Rubrics applicable in regards to assessing the Entrepreneurial Mindset that KEEN promotes? Secondly, after this initial review, the rubric components deemed most applicable were extracted and the goal shifted to answering the question: How might the components of the VALUE Rubrics be reorganized around the elements of the KEEN Framework? Finally, after a thorough review of the resulting rubrics, the question again shifted to: How might these reorganized rubrics be modified and/or appended to better evaluate the KEEN Framework?A set of three rubrics has been developed based on a modification of the sixteen VALUE rubrics, reframed to fit the KEEN Framework. As previously stated, there are gaps in each of the three rubrics, some with more than others. Work is still needed to distribute, revise, and polish the text of the rubric rows, as well as to evaluate gaps in the rubric coverage. Additionally, while direct application of these exemplars is not the intended use case, there are some faculty who may opt to do so. Significant work remains in terms of validation of the rubrics. While they have been developed from highly reliable and validated source material, some revalidation is necessary to ensure good reliability and applicability of the rubrics as redesigned. This work was initially presented at ASEE 2019, as part of the ENT division.
Tagsassessment | abet | rubric CategoriesClassroom & Courses DisciplinesComprehensive InstitutionsOhio Northern University
ByAlexia Leonard, Deborah Grzybowski, Denver Tang, kai zhao
Updated: 11/9/2021 10:12 AM
"Curiosity is a function of overcoming fear. Fear of being wrong. Fear of being right. Fear of being different. If you don’t have the guts to think about bad ideas, you’ll never have the opportunity to execute brilliant ones." UnknownWe know EML is about more than one thing (there are at least three Cs). For teachers striving to help student make progress in more than one aspect of EML, how do we assess these multiple aspects? In other words, how do we decide what to measure, what tools are available, and how do we go about using various tools to generate meaningful assessment results? This card shares the assessment of curiosity using the 5-Dimensional Curiosity Scale (Kashdan, et al., 2018) and practical lessons learned which is part of a larger study of EML integrated curriculum. We learned these lessons through developing and implementing a comprehensive plan to assess EML in a first-year engineering course at The Ohio State University.BACKGROUNDOur 20-month project seeks to integrate EML in ENGR 1182, the second course in a two-semester Fundamentals of Engineering sequence. At Ohio State all incoming freshman engineering students must take a common first-year sequence through the Department of Engineering Education. The course is offered in multiple sections, and each section has a capacity of 72 students. For our assessment, we collected data from 8 sections that implemented the newly developed EML curriculum and 8 sections taught in the traditional fashion. We have the following purposes for the assessment:1. To assess students' entrepreneurial mindset and attainment of EM related learning objectives.2. To assess and compare traditional first-year engineering learning in the EML sections and the traditional sections.3. To evaluate the outcomes of integrating EML into a first year engineering course.This card is part of a sequence of cards developed to share the overall study, outcomes, and lessons learned. The main card with the overall study plan can be found here. We used the Five-Dimensional Curiosity Scale (Kashdan, et al., 2018) to measure students’ curiosity in the pre- and post-survey. The Scale comprises 25 items that can be categorized into five dimensions: joyous exploration, deprivation sensitivity, social tolerance, social curiosity, and thrill seeking. We also report on Connections, Creating Value, and Content Knowledge in the course of this study.CONCLUSIONSThis work models ways that students in large courses can engage in real-world problems at scale without compromising technical proficiency and diversity of student experiences. Based on the results presented in the summary attached below (3Cs-5DC&ContentKnowledge&Connections&CreatingValue_Summary.pdf), we have found evidence to suggest that the integration of EML concepts into a first-year engineering course significantly improved student performance with respect to technical learning objectives, increased willingness to take risks, and increased social curiosity (as measured by Kashdans’ 5 Dimensions of Curiosity instrument)– all while creating aptitude in EML-related competencies of creating connections and creating value. The increase in technical learning for the EML version of the course (ITS), was especially surprising given the short exposure time these students had to working directly with the Arduino microcontroller.
CategoriesClassroom & Courses | Engineering Unleashed Resources DisciplinesComprehensive InstitutionsThe Ohio State University | Other
ByBecky Benishek, Michael Johnson
Updated: 1/8/2024 1:33 PM
This card contains all approved KEEN logos (see folders below). The logo and mark are reserved for KEEN partners. Please view the logo identity guides as well to ensure proper usage and modifications. Comment at the bottom of the card with any questions. New as of 2020: We have added two virtual backgrounds for use with Zoom and Microsoft Teams. See the folder below.
CategoriesEngineering Unleashed Resources DisciplinesComprehensive InstitutionsThe Kern Family Foundation
ByCristi Bell-Huff, Heidi Morano
Updated: 6/21/2023 12:28 PM
Reviewed: 10/14/2022 3:16 PM
This is a sophomore level course in a sequence of EML core courses offered at Lawrence Technology University. Four sections are taught each semester. Each semester 65-80 students participate in the design studio. In this project based course, students work on teams of 3-4 and work through each step of the design process around a design theme. The current theme is “Accessibility in the Workplace.” Students identify opportunities to solve problems for real customers at a local non-profit. An emphasis is placed on creating solutions based on customers’ needs. Finally, students design, build, and test working prototypes that create value for these customers. This course meets twice a week for 2.5 hours each class period. This class works well for sections of about 20 students each that are able to meet in a dedicated studio that functions as a classroom as well as a maker space. It is important to have tools and resources to allow for multiple levels of prototyping throughout the semester. In addition to building a prototype, the teams must manage a long term project, account for cost and market implications, and communicate to all stakeholders. Assessments are in the form of written, verbal, and public presentation formats. In the studio based format, the content needed for each stage of the design process is spread progressively through the course and delivered at the appropriate points in the design process when students are ready to apply the concepts.
Tagssophomore CategoriesClassroom & Courses DisciplinesGeneral Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering InstitutionsOther | Lawrence Technological University
ByCheryl Li, Jean Nocito Gobel, Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, Nadiye Erdil, Ronald Harichandran
Updated: 1/25/2022 4:27 PM
Reviewed: 10/14/2022 2:57 PM
This CardDeck provides a link to each of the 18 e-learning modules created by the University of New Haven that help develop an entrepreneurial mindset in students. The modules are designed to be integrated into existing engineering and computer science courses. Our efforts, as part of KEEN, are aimed at fostering an entrepreneurial mindset in engineering students. An entrepreneurial mindset applies to all aspects of life, beginning with curiosity about our changing world, integrating information from various resources to gain insight, and identifying unexpected opportunities to create value. We believe that an engineer equipped with an entrepreneurial mindset will be able to create extraordinary value within any type of organization. Development of 18 e-learning modules supporting entrepreneurially minded learning is part of this effort. The University of New Haven, a KEEN partner institution for over 7 years, aims to instill an entrepreneurial mindset in its engineering students by integrating the 18 e-learning modules into existing engineering and computer science courses. The e-learning modules are interactive, structured in a way that will allow integration into regular courses or utilization as supplementary resources, and each are accompanied with a teaching guide. The modules are generic enough to allow their deployment in various courses and majors.The length of each module is 3-9 hours of online student work. Online student work includes the amount of time a student is expected to spend reviewing material in a module as well as the average time needed to complete module assignments, activities or exercises.The development and implementation of the e-Learning Modules has taken placed over the past several years. Several papers and conference presentations document that effort and we invite you to read them - including 2 related papers at the most recent ASEE 2020 conference. Please scroll down to the resources section for direct links to the papers. E-Learning Modules Overview Videos You can see about a two-minute video in the following links to learn more about each module. Adapting a Business to a Changing Climate Applying Systems Thinking to Complex Problems Building Relationships with Corporations and Communities Building, Sustaining and Leading Effective Teams and Establishing Performance Goals Defining and Protecting Intellectual Property Determining Market Risks Developing a Business Plan that Addresses Stakeholder Interests, Market Potential and Economics Developing Customer Awareness and Quickly Testing Concepts Through Customer Engagement Cost of Production and Market Conditions Financing a Business Generating New Ideas Based on Societal Needs and Business Opportunities Innovating to Solve Problems under Organizational Constraints Innovative Client-Centered Solutions Through Design Thinking Learning from Failure Resolving Ethical Issues Role of Product in Value Creation The Elevator Pitch: Advocating for Your Good Ideas Thinking Creatively to Drive Innovation
CategoriesEngineering Unleashed Resources DisciplinesComprehensive InstitutionsUniversity of New Haven | Merrimack College
Updated: 3/6/2023 3:29 PM
With this work, we aimed to assess student development of an entrepreneurial mindset using the 3Cs (creating value, curiosity, and connections) individually. To do this, we assess each of the 3Cs directly and indirectly. This card is a presentation of the direct assessment of creating value we have created. In the future, we will provide links to other cards that present the other 3Cs assessments as needed. The Assessment The creating value direct assessment consists of a prompt and a rubric. The prompt asks students to do the following: Brainstorm and identify a communication platform to be used by an engineering teamIdentify value categories (e.g. economic, social, environmental, etc.)Identify stakeholders (e.g. engineering team, communication platform owners, etc.)Identify the value for each stakeholder in each corresponding value category Students are asked to complete each step individually using the provided Excel spreadsheet. Steps 2 through 4 are completed within a matrix format, see the example below. The rubric assesses student ability to complete each component of the prompt (steps 1 through 4) on a 4-point mastery scale (accomplished – 3, emerging – 2, developing – 1, inadequate – 0). Each component of the prompt is mapped to the EM learning outcomes creating by The Ohio State University (see Learning Objectives section below). Use Of Assessment This assessment is used to track students' ability to create value over time. We will implement the assessment in both first-year design courses and capstone courses at our institution. This will allow us to track progress longitudinally and will give us insights into the effectiveness of EML integration into these courses. We have also integrated this assessment into TA training to gauge and develop their understanding of creating value before entering the classroom to aid students in EML activities.
CategoriesClassroom & Courses DisciplinesAll Engineering Disciplines InstitutionsThe Kern Family Foundation | The Ohio State University
Updated: 6/23/2023 11:07 AM
When we first started implementing the UNC KEEN Faculty Learning Community in 2019, we found that the available resources emphasized large-scale project-based activities. As the first step for faculty when implementing EML, these projects can be discouraging because they require several weeks of class time, and faculty feel they have less time to deliver content. After creating implementation guides with a list of strategies and examples based on existing KEEN materials, we knew it wasn’t enough. As an initial step, we asked faculty to try small-scale EML activities that can be completed in 2-30 minutes. What a colleague coined “micromoment activities.” To help busy faculty implement EML, we wanted to provide small easy steps to ease them into the process. But, we found that it took too much time for faculty to create their own micromoment activities from existing materials. We then created a set of 25 EML activities that incorporate the 3C’s, are adaptable to any course, and could be implemented in 2-30 minutes. Seven activities were piloted with nine faculty members and 247 students from eight institutions. These faculty were tenured and teaching track, as well as clinical faculty. Faculty had a range of experience of 1-5 yrs., 6-10 yrs., and 11-15 yrs. Preliminary results of the activity are described in an ASEE WIP paper, which is attached to this card.
CategoriesEngineering Unleashed Resources | Professional Learning DisciplinesEngineering Education InstitutionsNorth Carolina State University | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Updated: 5/19/2020 4:11 PM
We will be capturing all cards related to Design in Engineering Education Division presentations at the 2020 ASEE Virtual Conference using this CardDeck.  Scroll down to the folders below to view all the links.  To add your card to this deck, please comment at the bottom of this card and link to your card by typing # and then entering in the title of your card. As an example, if your card is called "My Best ASEE Card" then please comment below with #My Best ASEE Card. Jes Kuczenski has already tagged one of his personal cards as an example.
DisciplinesEngineering Education InstitutionsSanta Clara University | The Kern Family Foundation
Updated: 7/2/2020 10:05 AM
We will be capturing all cards related to Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division presentations at the 2020 ASEE Virtual Conference using this CardDeck. Scroll down to the folders below to view all the links. To add your card to this deck, please comment at the bottom of this card and link to your card by typing # and then entering the title of your card. As an example, if your card is called "My Best ASEE Card" then please comment below with #My Best ASEE Card. Jason Forsyth has already tagged one of his personal cards as an example.
DisciplinesEngineering Education InstitutionsJames Madison University | The Kern Family Foundation
Updated: 7/16/2024 5:55 PM
Reviewed: 10/14/2022 1:41 PM
Context This card describes course modules that were developed to introduce the global challenges facing society in the 21st century. These modules are linked below in the first folder and they are stored on a Canvas site that anyone can access. The modules are currently used in a 3-credit 7.5-week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) offered through Arizona State University's (ASU) Earned Admissions (EA) program (now part of ASU Universal Learner Courses (ULC)), a program that offers both college credits at scale and a pathway for students to earn admissions into ASU. The on-ground version of this course is currently offered over a 15 week semester to students in the Grand Challenges Scholars Program (GCSP) at ASU, , recognized by the National Academy of Engineering, and most of these scholars take this course during their first year and it counts toward the multidisciplinary competency of the program. While these modules are interrelated, they have been packaged to also stand alone to allow for easy adoption, adaptation, and implementation by faculty members in their own courses and/or programs, in both face-to-face settings and in an online environment. Each module as well as the specific material within it can be used independently from the others. Course Modules Introduction These modules are centered on the NAE's Grand Challenges for Engineering and they help students develop an interdisciplinary systems perspective on global challenges related to the Grand Challenges themes of sustainability, health, security, and joy of living. One of the modules provides an overview of the global challenges and four subsequent modules each focuses on one of these four theme areas. To show variations of the challenges and solutions, within each theme area, different scales are discussed, including developing communities, developed communities, and global scale; or personal level, national level, and global scale. These modules aim to increase students' awareness of the social complexities involved in meeting the needs of local and global challenges through engineering and technology. Many different types of activities were designed based on best practices to engage students and incorporated in these modules to provide students with opportunities to actively consider and evaluate the reciprocal relationship between engineering solutions or technologies and aspects of society including economics, politics, ethics, environment, culture, and human behavior. Examples of these activities include mind mapping activities, simulation-based role play, design activity, pros and cons lists, game, case studies, etc. Besides activities and discussions, different types of video material are also included in these modules. These video material consists of instructor-led video lectures, application videos with voiceover animations, video clips and/or static images, expert talks that feature research faculty members and industry professionals from across the nation discussing challenges related to their fields and their current research and industry-related work to address these challenges, and video montages of interviews conducted with various experts and NAE GCSP alumni on various topics. Besides modules that allow students to broadly explore the global challenges in different theme areas, one of the remaining modules focuses on a research assignment that provides students with the opportunity to learn about examples of current research efforts related to one of the theme areas that they are most passionate about. Students are also introduced to a few frameworks which they can apply to analyze the potential societal impact of these research efforts from multiple perspectives. In addition to developing an interdisciplinary systems perspective about the challenges and their solutions from these aforementioned modules, students also start to develop an entrepreneurial mindset needed to tackle these challenges. One of the modules describes an open ended Entrepreneurially-Minded Learning (EML) based project that invites students to find their passion, exercise their entrepreneurial mindset, and develop a future solution to fulfill a need or opportunity related to the NAE’s vision for Engineering in the 21st century: Continuation of life on the planet, making our world more sustainable, secure, healthy, and joyful. In this project, students identify an opportunity to create added value for society, develop a futuristic solution, and research current technologies and trends to show that their solution will be technically feasible in the future. Students also consider various nontechnical aspects such as social, cultural, global, legal, economic, and political factors when developing their solution. When considering these societal factors, they identify the challenges they may face in developing and implementing a solution that will be technically feasible and economically viable while also creating value for society. They are also asked to imagine the impact their solutions would have on society if they were to be developed. This project can be implemented in both an online environment and a face-to-face setting. It can be done by students individually or as a group (suggested group size: 3-4 students). Various assignments are included to help students work through the design and development process and their work is showcased in a project poster. To help students make sense of their learning using the dynamic, active learning, discussion-based, guided self-exploratory material, digital portfolios are introduced in one of the modules, and they provide students with opportunities to reflect on their learning, connect their knowledge and experiences, infuse that knowledge and experience with meaning, and intertwine it with their own personal identities, interests, and values. Last but not least, there is one module that focuses on the competencies, skills, and/or mindset that is needed to tackle the challenges. It introduces the NAE GCSP competencies and shows examples of ways to achieve each of them. There are also discussions and assignments that ask students to reflect on their interests and goals, and determine the next steps they will take toward achieving them. In video montages, experts and GCSP alumni also share their perspectives about competencies, skills, and/or mindset that they feel are important and offer suggestions for students that are working to achieve these competencies to realize the goals for engineering in the 21st century. List of Course Modules The complete list of modules and sub-modules can be found below. 1. Module - Goals for engineering in the 21st century in an interdisciplinary, global context o Vision for engineering and specific goals o Developing solutions to interdisciplinary societal challenges o Customer discovery, needs analysis, and opportunity identification · 2. Module - Developing solutions to make our lives more sustainable o Introduction to sustainability o Sustainability challenges and solutions in developing communities o Sustainability challenges and solutions in developed communities o Global sustainability challenges · 3. Module - Developing solutions to make our lives healthier o Introduction to health o Global differences in health o Health challenges and solutions in developed communities o Health challenges and solutions in developing communities · 4. Module - Developing solutions to make our lives more secure o Introduction to security o Personal security challenges and solutions o National security challenges and solutions o Global security challenges and solutions · 5. Module - Developing solutions to make our lives more joyful o Introduction to joy of living o Education-related challenges and solutions o Challenges and solutions in joy of living o Challenges and solutions related to engineering the tools of scientific discovery and exploration 6. Module - Impact of engineering solutions o Societal impact of technology frameworks · 7. Module - How can you make an impact? o Realizing the goals for engineering in the 21st century: competencies o Taking action · 8. Module - Future solutions project o Future solutions project overview o Assignment: needs analysis part 1 o Assignment: needs analysis part 2 o Assignment: developing a solution o Assignment: identifying technology development milestones o Assignment: project poster · 9. Module - Research assignment · 10. Module - Professional portfolio o Professional portfolio o Digital portfolio reflections · 11. Module - Additional resources o Gathering information How the Course Modules are Used in the 7.5-week MOOC The first 7 modules listed above are each covered in a week when they are used in the MOOC that was previously mentioned. Within the MOOC, the Future Solutions project is conducted over the entire duration of the 7.5 week course. It is introduced at the end of week 1 and students work on one project assignment during each of the subsequent weeks. The project poster is submitted at the end of the course. The research assignment listed in the 9th module is introduced at the beginning of week 6 (Module - Impact of engineering solutions) and is submitted at the end of the same week. The digital portfolio mentioned in the Module - Professional portfolio is introduced and set up by students before the start of week 1. They then complete a reflection at the end of each of the theme modules (Modules 2-5) and complete a final reflection and showcase their accomplishments at the end of the course. Link to EM EM is introduced and its importance in tackling the challenges presented is addressed in one of the modules and it is also instilled throughout all other modules. More specifically, these course modules cover the three C's in the following ways. Curiosity Students are encouraged to view the challenges presented as opportunities. There are discussions about stakeholders and target customers, the importance of customer discovery, how to solicit voice of the customers in order to identify specific customer needs, how to organize customer needs and extrapolate customer needs in larger contexts for opportunity identification. These concepts and techniques are practiced in the Future Solutions project. Besides the project, many of the activities and discussions also provide students with opportunities to explore the role the customers play in the development of technologies to address the challenges. One such example is the case study about PlayPumps, which are merry-go-round type devices that pump water as children play on them. The solution was implemented in South African countries without proper sociocultural considerations of the communities and this has led to the failure of the solution. Another example is the You Decide! activity where students are asked to rank nanotechnologies based the importance and usefulness to them and again to their assigned characters. This activity helps students better understand how people's value shapes the development and implementation of technologies. Some of these activities also help students explore a contrarian view of accepted solutions, by critically considering the many non-technical challenges that these solutions might face during their development and implementation and possible negative impact they could have on society from multiple perspectives. Examples of these challenges include economic barriers, public opinion, ethical concerns, to name a few. And social relationships, economics, politics, environment, are among some of the examples of ways these technologies might impact society negativelyConnections Throughout the modules, an interdisciplinary systems approach is emphasized as students explore the challenges and consider potential technological solutions that address them. Students are encouraged to view technologies as part of larger systems, and consider both technical elements and non-technical elements that interact with these technologies. Students are encouraged to consider and make connections between technologies and aspects of society including people and different organizations, economics, politics, ethics, environment, culture, and human behavior, and integrate information from these multiple perspectives as they develop technologies. Students practice this in their Future Solutions projects as well as many activities and discussions. Some example activities that help students make connections include the Climate Policy activity, the Energy Economics activity, the National Security Role Play activity, and the Advanced Technology Mind Map activity, etc.. For example, in the Climate Policy activity, students make connections between technologies and public policy to help them understand the role public policy plays in the diffusion of innovations. The Energy Economics game provides students with an opportunity to make connections between various factors including tariffs, tax credit, political conflicts, weather events, infrastructure degradation, technology advancements, and the success of various technologies in the energy market. In the National Security Role Play activity, students play the role of a governor who makes a series of decisions about the actions they would take in response to a security threat affecting multiple states. As students make decisions, they factor in interactions and connections between engineers, businesses, local, state, and national government, humanitarian aid organizations, media, citizens, and others that are necessary not only to detect and mitigate the current threat situation but also to prevent possible future threats. The Advanced Technology Mind Map activity asks students to critically consider the implication of the development and implementation of an advanced technology and use a mind map to show its connection and interaction with various aspects of society. Besides making connections between technology and various aspects of society, students also make connections between the themes introduced in the modules, including sustainability, health, security, and joy of living, recognizing that many of the challenges are related to more than one theme area and thus efforts from multiple disciplines must be integrated in addressing them. Creating Value These course modules emphasize the importance of considering the impact of technologies on society from multiple perspectives, including sociocultural, economic, environmental, global, political, etc., and introduces multiple frameworks that help students analyze/predict the societal impact of technologies. Students consider and articulate the value proposition of their Future Solutions project and identify multiple ways their future technology would create value for their stakeholders, target customers, and society. In the Research Assignment, students also analyze the potential societal impact of examples of current research efforts that address challenges within a theme area they are most passionate about from multiple perspectives.ASEE Papers about this workThe paper that discusses the design and development of the course modules and insights gained from the initial offering of the MOOC was presented in the F341A Multidisciplinary Learning Experiences Session at the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference. An additional paper assessing the use and effectiveness of these open access course modules shared with faculty via an online platform was presented at the 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference. These papers can be found in the folders section of this card. What is Included in this Card Included in the folders below is the link to the Course Modules description page (enrollment instructions are found on this page) and two ASEE papers that describe the design, development, and initial offering of the MOOC in which these course modules are currently used at ASU, and the use and effectiveness of the open access course modules available on the online platform. Connection to other work These course modules were developed by faculty and staff at ASU as part of a GCSP "Toolkit" to benefit students at other institutions as well as ASU. Other opportunities and resources developed as a part of this toolkit include a Grand Challenges focused Speaker Series, a three week project-based Entrepreneurial Experience for undergraduate students in GCSP, and Industry workshop(s) focused on understanding and communicating the value of entrepreneurially minded GCSP students in addressing challenges faced by Industry. See Related Cards sections for links to cards about the toolkit and its components.
CategoriesClassroom & Courses DisciplinesAll Engineering Disciplines InstitutionsArizona State University
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