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General Card #3945
EMIFY Card Deck
Updated: 4/11/2024 9:50 AM by Becky Benishek
This CardDeck is a collection of resources featuring Great Ideas for Teaching Students (GIFTS) EM in the First-Year.

Few components of the engineering curriculum have as much opportunity to impact engineering students as first-year engineering programs. These programs typically serve all engineering students, and act as students’ introduction to engineering culture and setting the foundation for skills, mindsets, and habits that students need throughout their engineering education. Integrating EM into first-year programs is a clear mechanism for developing entrepreneurially-minded engineering graduates. To realize this impact, first-year engineering educators must understand and embrace the connection between traditional first-year engineering curriculum and EM.

This CardDeck collection was compiled to help catalyze and facilitate adoption of EM activities in the FY space by compiling example projects, activities, and content from FY educators across the network. These Great Ideas for Teaching Students (GIFTS) are focused on the Entrepreneurial Mindset in the First-Year and were presented at the 2024 KNC over the course of two sessions.

The cards below are presented twice - once organized by session (for easy indexing by session attendees), and a second time by topic (for easy indexing by users going forward).

Organized By Session

Session 1:

Proposing Value via Videos and Pamphlets - Abby Clark (ONU)
Agility and Resilience in Managing Projects - Amir Momenipour (RHIT)
Lifelong Learning in Perspective: An Activity for Student Understanding of an Engineer's Need to Acquire and Apply New Knowledge - Anastasia Rynearson (Campbell)
Gamification of Free-Body Diagram Practice - Andrew Sloboda (Bucknell)
Connecting Economics with Engineering to Create Value - David Zietlow (Bradley)
Rank Up Motivation: A First Day of Class Motivational Activity - Gbeton Somasse (WPI)
Making You a Better Maker: A KEEN-Focused Maker E-Textbook - Jim Brenner (FIT)
Smugglers, racecar drivers, and Barbies: design module for first year students - Jodi Prosise (UW-Plattville)
Inclusive Design and EML in First Year Engineering Curriculum - Lisa Murray (WNE)
YouTube problems - Matt Liberatore (Toledo)
Getting out of the classroom: infusing holistic wellbeing and campus events into a first-year engineering course at Missouri S&T. - Rachel Kohman (MS&T)
Introductory Python Programming with Practical Applications to Engineering Disciplines - Shannon Capps (Drexel)
Single-class EM Infusions - Stephanie Gillespie (New Haven)
The Power of Excel in Engineering - Steven Woodruff (JMU)

Session 2:

Exploring Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Devices - Ahmed Sayed (MSOE)
Houston, We Don't Have a Problem: Igniting First-year Entrepreneurial Minds - Danahe Marmolejo (SLU)
Engaging Freshman Engineering Students in the Entrepreneurial Mindset through Disruptive Technology Design Challenge Activity - HYUNJAE PARK (Marquette)
Open-Ended Semester Project for an Introductory Civil and Environmental Engineering Course - Jacob Henschen (Illinois)
Curiosity and Connections for First Year Design Students - Jayme Radomski (MSOE)
Lab-to-Market Accelerator: Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Emotional Intelligence - Jeeday Williams (DU)
To the Last Cent: Correctly Calculating Sales Tax - John Estell (ONU)
Engineering Quest: A Puzzle Adventure for Building Teamwork - Kelly Salyards (Bucknell)
Sensing the Campus: A Campus Engaged Project Based Learning Experience in Measurement and Analysis - Kyle Luthy (WFU)
Low-effort metacognitive interventions for engineering undergraduates - Maureen Tang (Drexel)
Tinkering to Engage Students in a 1st Year Intro to Mechanical Engineering - Micah Lande (SDSMT)
Self-Guided Learning Assignment- Sally Pardue (TN Tech)
Crags to Riches: Emphasizing audience and teamwork with a hands-on clay climbing holds activity - Stephanie Wettstein (Montana)


Organized By Topic

Design Activities (Short timescale)

Agility and Resilience in Managing Projects - Amir Momenipour (RHIT)
Smugglers, racecar drivers, and Barbies: design module for first year students - Jodi Prosise (UW-Plattville)
Inclusive Design and EML in First Year Engineering Curriculum - Lisa Murray (WNE)
Crags to Riches: Emphasizing audience and teamwork with a hands-on clay climbing holds activity - Stephanie Wettstein (Montana)

Design Projects (Long timescale)

Houston, We Don't Have a Problem: Igniting First-year Entrepreneurial Minds- Danahe Marmolejo (SLU)
Engaging Freshman Engineering Students in the Entrepreneurial Mindset through Disruptive Technology Design Challenge Activity - HYUNJAE PARK (Marquette)
Open-Ended Semester Project for an Introductory Civil and Environmental Engineering Course - Jacob Henschen (Illinois)

Technical Skill Building

Gamification of Free-Body Diagram Practice - Andrew Sloboda (Bucknell)
Making You a Better Maker: A KEEN-Focused Maker E-Textbook- Jim Brenner (FIT)
YouTube problems - Matt Liberatore (Toledo)
Introductory Python Programming with Practical Applications to Engineering Disciplines - Shannon Capps (Drexel)
The Power of Excel in Engineering - Steven Woodruff (JMU)
Exploring Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Devices - Ahmed Sayed (MSOE)
To the Last Cent: Correctly Calculating Sales Tax - John Estell (ONU)
Sensing the Campus: A Campus Engaged Project Based Learning Experience in Measurement and Analysis - Kyle Luthy (WFU)
Tinkering to Engage Students in a 1st Year Intro to Mechanical Engineering - Micah Lande (SDSMT)

Professional Skill Building

Proposing Value via Videos and Pamphlets - Abby Clark (ONU)
Lifelong Learning in Perspective: An Activity for Student Understanding of an Engineer's Need to Acquire and Apply New Knowledge - Anastasia Rynearson (Campbell)
Connecting Economics with Engineering to Create Value- David Zietlow (Bradley)
Engineering Quest: A Puzzle Adventure for Building Teamwork - Kelly Salyards (Bucknell)


Rank Up Motivation: A First Day of Class Motivational Activity- Gbeton Somasse (WPI)
Getting out of the classroom: infusing holistic wellbeing and campus events into a first-year engineering course at Missouri S&T - Rachel Kohman (MS&T)
Low-effort metacognitive interventions for engineering undergraduates - Maureen Tang (Drexel)
Self-Guided Learning Assignment - Sally Pardue (TN Tech)

Full Course Frameworks

Curiosity and Connections for First Year Design Students - Jayme Radomski (MSOE)
Lab-to-Market Accelerator: Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Emotional Intelligence - Jeeday Williams (DU)

Compilations & Collections (Assorted Topics)

Single-class EM Infusions - Stephanie Gillespie (New Haven)

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  • first-year engineering
  • Comprehensive