With this work, we aimed to assess student development of an entrepreneurial mindset using the 3Cs (creating value, curiosity, and connections) individually. To do this, we assess each of the 3Cs directly and indirectly. This card is a presentation of the direct assessment of creating value we have created. In the future, we will provide links to other cards that present the other 3Cs assessments as needed.
The Assessment
The creating value direct assessment consists of a prompt and a rubric. The prompt asks students to do the following:
Students are asked to complete each step individually using the provided Excel spreadsheet. Steps 2 through 4 are completed within a matrix format, see the example below.
The rubric assesses student ability to complete each component of the prompt (steps 1 through 4) on a 4-point mastery scale (accomplished – 3, emerging – 2, developing – 1, inadequate – 0). Each component of the prompt is mapped to the EM learning outcomes creating by The Ohio State University (see Learning Objectives section below).
Use Of Assessment
This assessment is used to track students' ability to create value over time. We will implement the assessment in both first-year design courses and capstone courses at our institution. This will allow us to track progress longitudinally and will give us insights into the effectiveness of EML integration into these courses. We have also integrated this assessment into TA training to gauge and develop their understanding of creating value before entering the classroom to aid students in EML activities.
The following learning objectives used within this assessment come from The Ohio State University EM Learning Objectives. More information and a full list of these learning objectives can be found here.
Title | Type | Ext | Date | Size | Download All | Downloads |
Creating Value Direct Assessment_final.xlsx | Assessment / Rubric | .xlsx | 3/6/2023 | 23.8 KB | 950 |
Title | Type | Ext | Date | Size | Download All | Downloads |
Matrix Example | Photo / Graphic | .png | 10/12/2020 | 41.5 KB | 1148 |