Card Review Rubric

Informal peer review process

When you submit your card for an informal peer review, the card reviewer uses the Card Review Rubric to assess it.



  • Entrepreneurial Mindset. Entrepreneurial mindset is shared explicitly throughout the card content in a way that connects to and builds upon the KEEN Framework.
  • Clarity & Organization. The card is well written and communicates the core concept(s) that other community members should know.
  • Adaptability & Adoptability. The card allows for immediate or workable implementation by other community members.
  • Quality of Resources. The card includes resources/links that supplement the card content and provide utility for community members.
  • Pedagogy. Pedagogy is demonstrated and supportive of entrepreneurial mindset-related practices.
  • Assessment. Assessment tool(s) are included and useful for other community members. 
  • Technical Content. Card contains the practical knowledge required to be an engineer and that content is reinforced by entrepreneurial mindset.

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Entrepreneurial Mindset

Goal: Entrepreneurial mindset is shared explicitly throughout the card content in a way that connects to and builds upon the KEEN Framework.

High Ranking:

  • Entrepreneurial mindset is explicitly integrated in the card description and in supporting materials.
  • Appropriate 3C's are selected and elaborated upon in the Mindset section of the card (expandable fields), or it is otherwise clear why they are related to other educational objectives, the assignments, and the assessments.
  • It is clear how the 3C's are implemented (i.e. included in rubrics, student artifacts, clear learning outcomes, links to expanded KEEN Student Outcomes, etc.).

Medium Ranking:

  • Entrepreneurial mindset is mentioned and somewhat integrated in the card description and supporting materials.
  • Appropriate 3C's are selected and elaborated upon in the Mindset section of the card (expandable fields) or in other sections of the card, but it is unclear how these are related to other educational objectives, the assignments, and the assessments.

Low Ranking:

  • Entrepreneurial mindset is mentioned but not highly integrated.
  • 3C's are selected but it is not clear why they have been selected or how they have been deployed.
  • Entrepreneurial mindset is explained in fields, but appropriate 3C's have not been selected.
  • Files and artifacts do not reinforce or showcase entrepreneurial mindset. 

Clarity & Organization

Goal: The card is well written and communicates core concept(s) other community members should know.

High Ranking:

  • Card is easy to read and written for faculty/other community members to apply the information being shared.
  • Description contains the who, where, when, what, and how implementation details.
  • Card offers a clear explanation of what it is designed for and what to do with the information it contains. 
  • Card has no spelling/grammatical errors.

Medium Ranking:

  • Card is lacking information that addresses the who, where, when, what, and how implementation details.
  • Key implementation details are unclear. 
  • There is an opportunity to re-write or re-order content in order to communicate information more clearly. 
  • Card has no spelling/grammatical errors.

Low Ranking:

  • Card contains spelling/grammatical errors. 
  • Card is written to communicate to students rather than faculty. 
  • Card is written in a way that makes it difficult to understand meaning/context.

Adaptability & Adoptability

Goal: The card allows for immediate or workable implementation by other community members.

High Ranking:

  • Card contains:
    1. A short summary of the content (i.e. one or two sentences).
    2. What topic(s) it addresses.
    3. The type of content it is (discussion, in-class activity, curious question, activity, homework, etc.
    4. How much time this takes (i.e. listing in-class time, out of class time, or other time information that would help someone understand the scope and scale).
    5. Materials are clearly listed so that others can replicate the concept/idea.
  • AND
    1. Provides broad utility for the community (i.e. is for a widely taught course OR for a widely-taught subsection of many courses).
    2. The required set-up time (physical, mental, pedagogical) is relatively low compared to the content that is being shared.
    3. Includes a guide for implementation/insertion (i.e. file, link, or within description).

Medium Ranking:

  • Card contains the first 5 items, but not the extra 3 in the High Ranking.
    1. A short summary of the content (i.e. one or two sentences).
    2. What topic(s) it addresses.
    3. The type of content it is (discussion, in-class activity, curious question, activity, homework, etc.
    4. How much time this takes (i.e. listing in-class time, out of class time, or other time information that would help someone understand the scope and scale).
    5. Materials are clearly listed so that others can replicate the concept/idea.

Low Ranking:

  • Card is intended to be insertable but is missing elements such as:
    1. A short summary of the content (i.e. one or two sentences).
    2. What topic(s) it addresses.
    3. The type of content it is (discussion, in-class activity, curious question, activity, homework, etc.
    4. How much time this takes (i.e. listing in-class time, out of class time, or other time information that would help someone understand the scope and scale).
    5. Materials are clearly listed so that others can replicate the concept/idea.
  • Card cannot be used/inserted by other faculty because of missing files, context, and/or description.

Quality of Resources

Goal: The card includes resources/links that supplement the card content and provide utility for community members.

High Ranking:

  • Files/links are included and are robust (i.e. student artifacts, assessments, presentations, how-to videos, syllabi, etc.). 
  • Files/links do not require special programs to access and/or edit.
  • Files and links are named and categorized in a way for other faculty to understand what they are, easily gain access to them, and readily allow for adaptation. 
  • Files/links are well designed and reinforce the rest of the card.
  • Information presented allows for others to replicate or adapt the content to fit similar contexts.
  • Details shared either do not require special knowledge/understanding or are fully explained.

Medium Ranking:

  • Files/links are included and provide moderate details that allow community members to adapt or replicate the content.
  • Files/links require special programs to access and/or edit (i.e., PDF presentation deck that does not allow editing for re-use).
  • Files/links are named and categorized in a way that requires special knowledge/understanding that does not lead to adaptation or reproduction (i.e., use of acronyms without explanation)
  • In general, files/links contain information that would lead to adaptation or replication, but are not conveyed in a way that is intuitive or helpful for community members.

Low Ranking:

  • Files/links are not included where warranted.
  • Files that are included are missing details or are otherwise incomplete, or are not relevant.
  • Links to resources are broken.
  • Files/links generally contain little to no details that would allow others to adapt or replicate what is being shared.


Goal: Pedagogy is demonstrated and supportive of entrepreneurial mindset-related practices.

High Ranking:

  • Research-based best practices in pedagogy* are demonstrated in the activity/lesson/unit and used to support entrepreneurial mindset-related outcomes.

*Such as active learning, formative feedback, teamwork and grouping strategies, etc.

Medium Ranking:

  • Card provides some pedagogical best practices but are either incomplete or not included in learning outcomes and/or files/links. 
  • If card is connected to entrepreneurial mindset, pedagogy is missing some information about the connection to entrepreneurially minded learning (i.e. using PBL to support curiosity, but is missing context).

Low Ranking:

  • Pedagogy best practices not present in card. 
  • If card is connected to entrepreneurial mindset, it is missing any information/details about how entrepreneurially minded learning is connected to a particular pedagogical approach. 

Not Applicable:

  • Pedagogy not important/necessary for the topic area or focus of the card.
  • Information not specific to a pedagogical approach (ie sharing leadership techniques, campus outreach programs, etc.).
  • Card is a curated list of content and does not specifically require mention of pedagogy.


Goal: Assessment tool(s) are included and useful for other community members.

High Ranking:

  • Assessment tool(s) included and include robust documentation on application.  

Medium Ranking:

  • Assessment tool(s) included but lacking information. 

Low Ranking:

  • Assessment tool(s) missing and needed.

Not Applicable:

  • Assessment not needed or necessary for card content. (i.e. physical demonstration, in-class discussion, group activities, etc.)

Technical Content

Goal: A card contains the practical knowledge required to be an engineer and that content is reinforced by entrepreneurial mindset.

High Ranking:

  • Technical content related to engineering is included, thorough, and well-organized. It also:
    1. Is reinforced by the entrepreneurial mindset
    2. Includes high-quality supporting files, documentation, and/or models.

Medium Ranking:

  • Technical content related to engineering is included, thorough, is well-organized, but is missing connection to entrepreneurial mindset. 
  • Files, documentation, and/or models included are not high-quality/robust.

Low Ranking:

  • Technical content related to engineering is missing and should be included. 
  • Technical content is included but is incomplete, lacks depth, or is not well-organized. 
  • Files/documentation are not included that support technical content.

Not Applicable:

  • Technical content related to engineering is not needed/important for the card.
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