Developing opportunity recognition is a powerful skill!
By adding opportunity recognition to design, students are able to refine concepts, think more broadly about the world around them, and better understand their customers' needs.
This collection of cards contains activities related to real-life experiences or familiar topics that can help students:
Resources for student teams to create and test value propositions:
Help students build customer archetypes & identify opportunities:
Build a game board that takes students through the 4 stages of an entrepreneur's journey:
Introduce students to methods that can lead to new business ventures:
Student groups learn about the different participants in the farm economy and identify an opportunity for innovation.
Equip students to conduct field research with an open mind, become aware of the multitude of "pivot" opportunities to develop new products, and develop a sense of empathy for the targeted user.
Implement an exercise to teach students about opportunity recognition focused on challenging convention, future proofing, and cost-benefit analysis.
As part of teaching the entrepreneurial mindset, encourage your students to: