
Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Newton’s second law and the equation of thrust How combustion and the Brayton cycle create pressure and velocity differentials to produce thrust An understanding of Brayton’s cycle to solve the “back of the chapter” homework problems Which type of jet engine produces greater thrust The contribution of each component to the thrust produced The nominal thrust of a large modern commercial jet engine, and the approximate cost, lifetime, and fuel consumption How components (inlet, diffuser, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, and nozzle) are interconnected and contribute to thrust Why cruising altitude is an important parameter for optimizing efficiency An understanding of engines to devise a laboratory experiment, measuring thrust of a simple electric fan with force sensors Which type of jet engine produces greater thrust/cost Opportunities to increase thrust with an assessment of both feasibility and viability A better electric fan (increased thrust) Original Learning Outcomes Additional Outcomes for EML As a sampling of learning outcomes organized by Bloom’s, you might expect your students to: ➤ REMEMBER Newton’s second law and the equation of thrust. ➤ UNDERSTAND how combustion and the Brayton cycle create pressure and velocity differentials that result in thrust. ➤ APPLY an understanding of Brayton’s cycle to solve back of the chapter homework problems. ➤ ANALYZE which type of jet engine produces greater thrust. ➤ EVALUATE the contribution of each component to the thrust produced. These outcomes are distributed across levels of Bloom’s, which is good. But where is the EML? Student learning outcomes become more meaningful by focusing on opportunity and impact and using instructional methods that animate the 3C’s (curiosity, connections, and creating value). This is the core of EML. By augmenting the traditional learning outcomes, the key principles in the course become contextual, relevant, and interconnected. The teaching methods promote curiosity and creativity. Inspect the following additions and consider how they embody EML: Let’s talk about a jet engine’s thrust , the driving force behind powered flight. What should a student in an introductory course remember, understand, analyze, or even create? These are traditional questions that an educator asks when using Bloom’s Taxonomy to design a course and its learning outcomes. 9