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General Card #2018
Dynamic Systems 1 (ME 3211) out-of-class problem-based learning assignment
Updated: 10/14/2022 12:01 PM by Becky Benishek
Reviewed: 10/14/2022 12:07 PM by Becky Benishek
Modeling and analysis of dynamic systems
This module is an out-of-class problem-based learning assignment. In brief, students were required to research and model an electromechanical elevator system in order to reduce cost and satisfy customer requirements via a motor replacement. The problem was intentionally vague and included communication with a customer (played by instructor), much more so than a traditional technical course project. This communication was required, in addition to some basic research, in order to successfully complete the design.

The project was assigned and completed in the following stages (rubrics are attached below):
1- Elevator system schematic. This forced students to research how elevators operate mechanically, and to critically assess which type of model would be best.
2- Modeling a simple electric motor in Simulink. This forced students to begin learning how to model an electromechanical system earlier than the weekend before it was due. It was an individual assignment in hopes that all students would learn it!
3- Modeling entire elevator system in Simulink, and writing a report. (Teams of 2)

Throughout the three stages, students were encouraged to ask questions to the customer and instructor (separately). In a later implementation (described in the ASEE paper below), actual question assignments were given to allow assessment of students' curiosity, as well as to reduce instructor office congestion (a rubric for these formal question submissions is attached below). In the latest offering, one instructor played the role of instructor and one played the role of the customer.  This helped to separate and emphasize the differences between the two stakeholders. 

Additionally, as a form of just-in-time information, as well as encouragement to communicate further with the customer, a memo from the students' "boss" was provided (attached below) during the third stage of the project.

The ASEE paper below includes survey data (survey attached below) showing positive improvement in students' awareness and ability of EML outcomes in a technical (non-design) course, as well as data that the original technical outcomes of the course project were still met.

Connections to the KEEN Framework:

Traditional technical project generally give all required information, and students simply figure out how to solve the problem. This project forced students to ask the right questions to get the information they needed to solve the problem. They also needed to think critically about the answers they received, because they were sometimes vague. Students also had no in-class knowledge about elevator systems, and were required to learn how they work on their own in order to model the system.

Students were required to understand the ramifications of their design decisions. For example, while the customer wanted the elevator to rise to the top floor in a certain time, students needed to recognize that accelerating too fast is undesirable and potentially unsafe. Students were also prompted by their boss' memo to evaluate the information given to them by the customer.

Creating Value:
Customer involvement and vagueness of the project forced students to understand stakeholder needs to successfully complete the assignment. They also needed to balance cost, safety, and convenience into their solution. Finally, an opportunity to create great value was available, where students could discover that the building owner had extra parts available (for free!) to implement a speed reduction which would significantly reduce cost. This information was only given to those who specifically asked about it though, and was not required for a successful solution.

See attached documents, especially the ASEE paper, for more details.
  • Explore a contrarian view of accepted solution
  • Integrate information from many sources to gain insight
Creating Value
  • Identify unexpected opportunities to create extraordinary value
  • Persist through and learn from failure
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