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General Card #1705
Cards 101 How to Create Cards
Updated: 2/27/2024 11:06 AM by Michael Johnson
Reviewed: 10/13/2022 1:08 PM by Becky Benishek
Learn how to create a card from start to finish! Get tips for each field.

This card is your guide to creating or updating your own cards.

What to expect

  • Get strategies and examples for each card field.
  • We'll use the Description box (the one we're in right now) to include tips for fields that don't have Rich Text formatting boxes.

>>Tip: Save often! And wait for the Save button to return to yellow before continuing.

>>Template: Want to draft a card offline in Word? Download the template here.


Let's begin

In a new browser tab:


Card Templates: General or Classroom 

In the card Edit screen, first choose which template you wish to use.

  • Are you sharing content not related to classroom instruction?
    • Choose the General template.
  • Are you sharing content for a class or course?
    • Choose the Classroom template. 
    • This template adds fields such as Time and Materials. You'll see these below.

You can update existing cards to the Classroom template!


Card Title

"The Journey to the Top: Board Game to Instill Entrepreneurial Mindset."

"Building Solutions for Real Customers."

"Flying Forces: Adding Lift to Statics."

The title is one of your first opportunities to get people interested in your card. Be descriptive!

  • Avoid using internal course names/designations.
  • Avoid single-term titles such as "Statics."


Featured Image 

The image is another way to draw people into your card. Aim for a picture directly tied to your content. 

  • Use rectangular photos that are wider than they are tall.
  • Engineering Unleashed provides a selection of stock photos.

>>See how this card does it.


Authors & Editors

When you first create a card, add yourself as the author. Then add as many other authors as you wish.

Editors can help you build or check over the card.

All authors and editors on a card can:

  • Edit the card.
  • Submit the card for a review.
  • Use the Author Notes for private chat.

The difference between an author and an editor is that editors will not be listed publicly on the card. 



Describe your content in a brief statement. This will help others grasp the main point(s) quickly.


  • "Board game teaching entrepreneurial mindset to first year students."
  • "Programming teams apply EM tools to develop educational software for clients."
  • "Explore campus pain points via guided interviews, then delve deeper with a 'Pain Chain Reaction' activity to uncover cascading challenges and holistic solutions."


Course (Classroom template)

"Course" appears when you select the Classroom template at the top of your card. 

Include tips and information specific to the activity, such as how to implement it and what it covers. 

  • Type directly in the box or paste from a text editor like Notepad.
  • Use the Rich Text Editor to insert paragraph breaks, headers, and other formatting.
  • Taking time to format makes your content easy to read.

>>See how this card does it.


Materials (Classroom template)

"Materials" appears when you select the Classroom template at the top of your card. 

List items that would help others implement your activity or replicate your concepts. 

  • Type directly in the box or paste from a text editor like Notepad.
  • Use the Rich Text Editor to insert paragraph breaks, headers, and other formatting.
  • Taking time to format makes your content easy to read.

>>See how this card does it.


Prerequisites (Classroom template)

"Prerequisites" appears when you select the Classroom template at the top of your card. 

List courses that should be completed or knowledge/skillsets people should have before doing your activity.


Time (Classroom template)

"Time" appears when you select the Classroom template at the top of your card. 

This field is for the total time your activity takes. Use the Description box to add context.



(The box you're in right now.)

How would someone else teach your activity, conduct your survey, or do your project? Provide a complete picture from start to finish. 

  • Type directly in the box or paste from a text editor like Notepad.
  • Use the Rich Text Editor to insert paragraph breaks, headers, bolding, and bullet points.
  • Taking time to format makes your content easy to read.


YouTube Video

  • Include a relevant YouTube video to play right on your card! 
    • You'll see an example as you scroll down this card.


Entrepreneurial Mindset

Which of the three Cs - Curiosity, Connections, and Creating Value - best fit your card? 

  • Ensure the Cs you select apply to your activity.
  • After you select a C, add supporting details in the expandable field below it. 

>>See how this card does it


Complementary Skillsets

  • Select appropriate skillset aspects from Design, Opportunity, and Impact categories.


Card Category

What context does your card fit into the most?

Choose up to two (2) categories for your card. This helps frame it for others as they search.

  • Campus & Outreach. Your card may contain resources for faculty such as book clubs, implementation strategies on campus, or outreach to K-12 or industry.
  • Classroom & Courses. Your card shares resources, activities, entire courses, and other examples of entrepreneurial mindset (EM) within the classroom context.
  • Co-Curricular & Extra Curricular. Your card may contain shorter activities in a club setting, write-ups of student organizations, hackathon/design sprints, or EM speaker series.
  • Engineering Unleashed Resources. These cards are general resources that connect to the community and mission.
    • Examples include branding guides, card templates, and how-to guides for using Engineering Unleashed.
  • Professional Learning. Do you have tips, techniques, or examples of how faculty can grow professionally with EM?
    • Cards in this category are focused on sharing faculty development approaches, professional development resources, or other items connected to faculty professional growth and development.
  • Workshops & Events. These cards are connected to events like the KEEN National Conference as well as techniques for how to showcase EM with a workshop or at an event. 


Tags and Keywords

Tags supplement your card's other fields, plus can help people find your card in search.

Enter words and phrases that describe your content and approach, such as:

  • active learning
  • student engagement
  • statics

What to know about tags:

  • Tags have 'type-ahead." If the tag you're entering already exists in the system, it will appear for you to select.
  • Tags are case-sensitive. For example, if "Getting Started" as typed already exists in the system, typing "getting started" in your card's Tag box will update to "Getting Started."
  • You can delete your tags. Changed your mind about a tag, or misspelled one? Click the X next to the existing tag on your card to delete it.
  • Tags and Disciplines work together. When you choose your Disciplines, you don't need to include the same keywords in your Tags. This is because both Disciplines and Tags are searchable items.

Engineering Disciplines

Select up to 3 disciplines that best align with your content.

Or pick one of the following:

  • All Engineering Disciplines.
  • Comprehensive: All engineering disciplines + all non-engineering disciplines. 



Upload or link to supporting materials in the folders. You can create as many folders as you like.   

  • Materials can include presentations, lesson plans, links to websites, student artifacts (names redacted), and short movie clips.
  • Organize resources in separate folders depending on type.
  • After you upload a resource, where necessary, change its title to a more descriptive one.

Note: Have other cards to link to? Go on to the Related Cards section.


Related Cards

Does your card align with or reference other cards already published? Add them to the Related Cards section. 

Engineering Unleashed will find the card for you!

  • Start typing the card title.
  • Paste in the card's full URL, such as: https://engineeringunleashed.com/card/2882
  • You can also paste in the card ID. This is the number at the end of the card URL, such as "2882".
    • The ID is also located beneath the card's image when viewing a card.

Just like with the Folders, you can organize sets of cards in separate Related Cards folders.

Note: Related Cards must be published, not draft cards. Are you building a card that will link to other related cards you are also building? You will need to publish those related cards before you add them to your main card.

Related Groups

Does your card align with a group on Engineering Unleashed? You can link it to that group in the Related Groups section below.

  • Start typing the name of a group and the system will bring up all possible selections. 


Change Log

Click the Change Log to see when your card was created, published, and updated, and by whom.


Author Notes and Card Review

After you save your card for the first time, two new sections will appear at the top: Author Notes, and Review.

Youtube Video Link
Learning Objectives

Use this box to list outcomes and objectives that someone using your content should be striving for.

  • Type directly in the box or paste from a text editor like Notepad.
  • Use the Rich Text Editor to insert paragraph breaks, headers, and other formatting.
  • Taking time to format makes your content easy to read.

>>See how this card does it.

Instructor Tips

List anything that would help others teach this activity or anticipate outcomes.

  • Type directly in the box or paste from a text editor like Notepad.
  • Use the Rich Text Editor to insert paragraph breaks, headers, and other formatting.
  • Taking time to format makes your content easy to read.

>>See how this card does it.


Add tools or forms of assessment you used to measure student learning.

>>See how this card does it.

  • Integrate information from many sources to gain insight
  • Determine Design Requirements
  • Create Preliminary Business Model
  • Communicate Societal Benefits
Categories & Tags
  • Engineering Unleashed Resources
  • how to
  • create a card
  • Comprehensive

Who’s influenced your work? Have you incorporated any content from others, or collaborated with people? 

Add citations, acknowledge colleagues, and link to reference materials.

If you'd like to acknowledge KEEN, use this language: "This was created through work with the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network. More content can be found at EngineeringUnleashed.com."

Select either the Google docs template or Word template below to draft cards offline. The Card Author Guide is a webpage that expands upon this card.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Card Creation Guide + Template - Word Other .docx 2/27/2024 43.1 KB 672
Card Creation Guide + Template - Google Other 2/26/2024 -  
Card Author Guide Lesson 6/9/2023 -  
Use the Card Review Rubric alongside Cards 101 to help craft your card for your intended audience.
Title Type Ext Date Size Downloads
Card Review Rubric Assessment / Rubric 2/22/2023 -  
Help ensure your card draws clear connections to the entrepreneurial mindset (EM)! This on-demand, complimentary course gives you definitions, terms, and ideas related to (EM). It also introduces the elements of EM, the 3Cs — Curiosity, Connections, and Creating Value.
Title Type Ext Date Size Downloads
Intro to EM & the 3Cs Lesson 10/12/2023 -  
Note: On Flickr Creative Commons, not all photos have the same license, so check before you use/modify them.
Title Type Ext Date Size Downloads
Unsplash Other 11/29/2017 -  
Pexels Other 11/29/2017 -  
Flickr Creative Commons Other 11/29/2017 -  
Burst by Shopify Other 11/29/2017 -  
StockSnap Other 11/29/2017 -  
Pixabay Other 1/29/2021 -